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International Conference on Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VRHCIAI 2022) 大会官网:http://www.vrhciai.org/ 会议时间:2022年10月28-30日 会议地点:中国·长沙 截稿日期:2022年9月9日 录用通知:投稿后7-15个工作日 收录检索:EI检索,IEEE CPS出版
大会简介: 本次会议将于2022年10月28-30日在中国长沙盛大举行,由长沙理工大学主办,另有ESBK国际学术交流中心、北京工业大学、重庆大学、青岛大学、郑州大学、杭州大学、广东省科学院、中国科技大学等单位联合协办。会议将围绕虚拟现实、人机交互与人工智能等相关研究领域,广泛邀请国内外知名专家学者、行业精英。在为期2天的会议中,国家杰出青年基金获得者尹宝才教授;重庆大学信号与信息处理研究所副所长,智能信息处理与计算服务实验室主任李勇明教授;Dr. Milaan Parmar以及其他专家和学者将进行致辞与特邀报告。会议旨在为来自国内外高等院校、科研院所、企事业单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师提供一个高水平的信息沟通平台、创新成果展示与推广的渠道。
大会主席: file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml4196/wps8.png file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml4196/wps9.png 尹宝才教授 李勇明教授 北京工业大学 重庆大学
吕智涵教授 青岛大学
主讲嘉宾 file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml4196/wps11.jpg file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml4196/wps12.jpg Dr. Milaan Parmar马楠教授 吉林大学 北京工业大学
file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml4196/wps13.jpg Assoc. Prof. Arzu Baloglu Marmara University
支持各位学者以组建workshop形式投稿 ,即小型研讨会。针对每个workshop,组委会提供一定的学术支持,择优推荐至大会合作SCI期刊。
Workshop(正在征集中,欢迎加入): Workshop 1: Intelligent Interaction Technology Title: Intelligent Interaction Technology and Application Chair 1: Prof. Nan Ma, Beijing University of Technology, China Chair 2: Prof. Hongzhe Liu, Beijing Union University, China Co-chair:Assoc. Prof. Jin Wang, Beijing University of Technology, China Workshop 2: AI-powered Disease Screening/Diagnosis Title: Deep Learning Technologies for Biomedical Image Analysis Chair r. Qing Liu, Central South University, China Workshop 3: AI Models for Image Denoising Title: Deep Learning Based Image Denoising Chair r. Xiangdong Su, Inner Mongolia University, China Workshop 4: coming soon Title: Big Data Analytics And Deep Learning for Intelligent Transportation and Urban Computing Chair:Assoc. Prof. Shengdong Du, Southwest Jiaotong University, China Workshop 5: Intelligent Technologies in Education Title: Deep and Wide Applications of Intelligent Technologies in Education Chair rof. Longkai Wu, Central China Normal University, China Workshop 6: Natural Language Processing on Dialogue Systems Title: coming soon Chair rof. Juan Wen, China Agricultural University, China Workshop 7: Swarm Intelligence and Applications Title: Swarm Intelligence and Applications Chair r. Zhengming Gao, Jingchu University of Technology, China Workshop 8:Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Title:Big Data & Artificial Intelligence with Applications Chair:Assoc. Prof. Shan Liu, Communication University of China Workshop 9: Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Title: When Deep Learning Meets Traditional Machine Learning/Computer Vision Technics Chair r. Chao Yao, Shaanxi Normal University, China Workshop 10:Deep Learning based Object Detection Models Title:Deep learning based object detection and Application Chair:Dr. Hongli Lin, Hunan University, China Workshop 11:Information Technology Chair:Dr R. Priyadarshini Computer Science Engg.Lincoln Universiti College,Malaysia Workshop 12: Drug AI Chair rof. Li Wang, Nantong University, China Workshop 13: Artificial intelligence technology and Application Chair rof. Qiudong Yu, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, China Workshop 14: Deep Neural Network Compression Technology Chair rof. Honggang Qi, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Workshop 15: Multi-modal and Brain-inspired Vision Chair:Assoc. Prof. Pingping Zhang, Dalian University of Technology, China Workshop 16: Deep Reinforcement Learning Chair 1:Assoc. Prof. Yongming Tao, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China Chair 2:Dr. Taixin Li, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China Workshop 17: Multimodal Information Intelligent Processing Technology Chair rof. Kurban Ubul, Xinjiang University, China Workshop 18: Knowledge Graph in Virtual Reality Chair r. Yuanyong Feng, Guangzhou University, China Workshop 19: Digital Human Technology and Metaverse Chair rof. Yinwei Zhan, Guangdong University of Technology, China Workshop 20: Natural User Interface Chair:Assoc. Prof. Jibin Yin, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
人工智能:智能搜索、知识获取、组合调度、模式识别、逻辑编程、软计算、复杂系统、智能 机器人、智能系统、系统仿真技术及其应用、工业过程建模与智能控制、智能计算与计算机游戏、语音识别与合成、机器翻译、计算机感知、计算机神经网络、知识发现与 机器学习、智能建筑技术及其应用、图像处理与计算机视觉等
投稿指南 1、请至会议官网::http://www.vrhciai.org/下载论文模板; 2、请根据以下几点准备您的论文: 1)论文必须是全英文稿件,且应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过; 2) 作者可通过cROSref查询系统自费查重,重复率不得超过20%,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒稿将由作者自行承担责任;3)请根据模板编辑论文,并将全文(word文档)发送至投稿链接:https://csubmit.elspublishing.com 4)文章页面需要在5-7页,含公式图表等,超过7页需缴纳超页费; 3、审稿周期:所有文章将经过大会委员会审稿,审稿形式为单盲审;将在3-7个工作日内收到审稿意见。 4、文章录用:若您的文章被录用,我们将以邮件形式通知您,您将收到以下文件:录用通知、审稿意见表、中文注册表。 5、注册缴费:请在收到录用通知后将以下注册文件发回:论文终稿、中文注册表、汇款凭证、学生证明(学生投稿)、查重报告
联系方式 大会邮箱:vrhciai2022@163.com 组委会:孙老师Tel/Wechat:13217481189