本帖最后由 irobot 于 2016-5-18 12:53 编辑
亚马逊开放机器学习系统源代码 亚马逊之所以开发这款软件,是为了在其零售平台上向用户推荐商品。要实现这一功能,这就必须借助神经网络程序的帮助,但亚马逊进行推荐时未必总能掌握很多数据。 亚马逊表示,DSSTNE的速度快于TensorFlow。在数据量较少的情况下,其处理速度是后者的2.1倍。之所以能够实现如此快的速度,部分源于DSSTNE利用了多个GPU的性能。与其他深度学习开源软件不同,DSSTNE可以在很多GPU之间分配任务,而不会因此降低速度和准度。 DSSTNE的常见问题解答板块写道:“这意味着只需要借助1000万独特商品便可提供建议,而无需借助数以亿计的商品实现这一功能。要处理这种规模的问题,其他软件需要利用CPU的计算性能来分析稀疏的数据,导致性能降低了一个数量级,” 目前,开发者已经可以根据Apache 2.0开源许可在GitHub上下载DSSTNE。亚马逊称“我们希望世界各地的研究人员能够共同改进它,”DSSTNE的常见问题解答板块写道,“但更重要的是,我们希望它能激励更多领域的创新。”
Amazon DSSTNE: Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network EngineDSSTNE (pronounced "Destiny") is an open source software library for training and deploying deep neural networks using GPUs. Amazon engineers built DSSTNE to solve deep learning problems at Amazon's scale. DSSTNE is built for production deployment of real-world deep learning applications, emphasizing speed and scale over experimental flexibility. DSSTNE was built with a number of features for production workloads: - Multi-GPU Scale: Training and prediction both scale out to use multiple GPUs, spreading out computation and storage in a model-parallel fashion for each layer.
- Large Layers: Model-parallel scaling enables larger networks than are possible with a single GPU.
- Sparse Data: DSSTNE is optimized for fast performance on sparse datasets. Custom GPU kernels perform sparse computation on the GPU, without filling in lots of zeroes.
LicenseSetup- Follow Setup for step by step instructions on installing and setting up DSSTNE
User Guide- Check User Guide for detailed information about the features in DSSTNE
Examples- Check Examples to start trying your first Neural Network Modeling using DSSTNE