| 摘要 以自行开发的双爪式爬杆机器人Climbot为研究对象,提出一种同时考虑运动学和动力学约束的能量最优的攀爬运动规划方法.首先对机器人的攀爬运动能量消耗进行了数学描述,然后提出了一种能量最优运动规划方法,包括下层关节轨迹规划器、上层路径规划器以及优化路径搜索算法.最后,为了验证此种能量最优运动规划方法的有效性,给出了Climbot攀爬运动的算例,并对计算的结果进行了详细的分析.计算结果反映了该运动规划方法的有效性和可行性. |
| 关键词 : 爬杆机器人, 能量最优, 轨迹规划, 路径规划 | Abstract:Based on the self-designed biped climbing robot, named Climbot, an energy-optimal motion planning method is proposed, which considers the kinematics and dynamics constraints simultaneously. Energy consumption for climbing is firstly described by a mathematical model. Then an energy-optimal motion planning method is proposed which contains the joint trajectory planner at lower level, the path planner at upper level and a searching algorithm for optimal path. The effectiveness of the energy-optimal motion planning method is demonstrated by practical example of Climbot, and detailed analysis of the result is provided as well. The result proves the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed motion planning method. | Key words: pole-climbing robot energy-optimal trajectory planning path planning | 收稿日期: 2016-10-10 | | 基金资助:国家自然科学基金(51405091);广东省科学院优秀青年科技人才基金(rcjj201504);广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目(2015KQNCX169);广东省科技计划(2016A010102023);广州市珠江科技新星专项(201504300920029) | 通讯作者: 江励,jl19841215@163.com E-mail: jl19841215@163.com | 作者简介: 江励(1984-),男,博士,讲师.研究领域:模块化机器人. |
引用本文: | 江励, 管贻生, 王建生, 周雪峰, 苏满佳. 爬杆机器人能量最优攀爬运动规划[J]. 机器人, 2017, 39(1): 16-22.
JIANG Li, GUAN Yisheng, WANG Jianshen, ZHOU Xuefeng, SU Manjia. Energy-optimal Motion Planning for a Pole-Climbing Robot. ROBOT, 2017, 39(1): 16-22. | | | | 链接本文: | http://robot.sia.cn/CN/10.13973/j.cnki.robot.2017.0016 或 http://robot.sia.cn/CN/Y2017/V39/I1/16 |