关键词:生物特征; 大数据; 机器思维
中图分类号:TP 242.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-2333(2015)03-0037-04
A Robot Independent Thinking
DENG Hao, ZHOU Yiting, XIE Congshuang
(School of Information Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China)
Abstract: Humanoid intelligence has been the research priority in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Completingcircumjacent information, obtaining and processing Big Data, storing and mining Big Data, are currently hot focus. Based on the
human body biologic characteristic,this paper collects circumjacent information by using multi -sensor integration,accomplishes Big Data processing and mining by using dimensionality reduction and technology of Sparse Learning ,and buildsa mental model of independent thinking of robots. It further enhances the intelligence of the robot,so the robot can carry out theprocessing of the space Big Data in a real-time environment and make voluntary response with more practicability.
Key words: biometric; Big Data; thinking machine
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