| 摘要 首先应用一种简单的线性 CPG(中枢模式发生器)模型,实现了机器鱼游动模态的连续变化.随后通过实验分析得到 CPG 控制器控制参数与机器鱼速度和转弯角速度的转换层函数.进一步提出一种改进的比例导引位姿控制算法,以一种新的方式定义机器鱼的位姿误差,再将机器鱼的角度误差作为偏置项加入位置误差的比例控制律中.最后通过实验验证了算法的可行性与有效性.
| 关键词 : 机器鱼, 中枢模式发生器, 运动控制, 比例导引, 位姿控制算法 | Abstract:Firstly, a simple linear CPG (central pattern generator) model is adopted to implement smooth transformations between various swimming gaits. Then, a function of the transition layer between CPG control parameters and the speed as well as the turning velocity of the robotic fish can be obtained through experiments. Further, an improved posture controller based on the proportional guidance controller is proposed, in which the posture error of robotic fish is redefined and its angle error is added to the proportional controller of the position error as a bias compensation. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed controller is verified by various experiments.
| Key words: robotic fish CPG (central pattern generator) motion control proportional guidance posture control algorithm | 收稿日期: 2015-09-14 | | 基金资助:国家自然科学基金(51575005,61503008);中国博士后科学基金(2015M570013);广西高校科学技术研究项目重点项目(ZD2014073);广西自然科学青年基金(2014GXNSFBA118284)
| 通讯作者: 谢广明,xiegming@pku.edu.cn E-mail: xiegming@pku.edu.cn | 作者简介: 刘安全(1991-),男,硕士生.研究领域:水下机器人,智能控制.
罗文广(1967-),男,硕士,教授.研究领域:智能控制及智能自动化,智能检测技术,汽车电子控制技术. |
引用本文: | 刘安全, 李亮, 罗文广, 谢广明. 一种面向机器鱼的高精度位姿控制算法设计与实现[J]. 机器人, 2016, 38(2): 241-247.
LIU Anquan, LI Liang, LUO Wenguang, XIE Guangming. Design and Implementation of a High Precision Posture Control Algorithm for Robotic Fish. ROBOT, 2016, 38(2): 241-247. |