| 摘要 为保证大负重四足机器人的全方位稳定行走,提出了基于速度矢量的间歇步态规划方法,采用间歇步态作为主步态,将平动与转动速度矢量映射为绕旋转中心转动.首先,采用旋转中心理论得到旋转中心坐标,根据足端工作空间计算最大旋转速度.其次,以稳定裕度为约束条件,对支撑相起始位置进行设计,同时为了满足零冲击条件,采用改进的复合摆线方法对摆动相轨迹进行规划.然后,提出增量式的轨迹规划方法,便于编程实现连续的支撑相运动指令,并进行稳定裕度、连续性、移动速度以及工作空间的需求分析,提出相应的参数设计方法.最后,分别采用虚拟样机和物理样机对3种步态进行对比实验,结果表明当α=0.5时其步态的晃动量最少且方差最小,该方法能够保证大负重四足机器人实现连续的全方位运动轨迹,并且具有较好的稳定性. |
| 关键词 : 四足机器人, 间歇步态, 全方位移动, 速度矢量, 大负重 | Abstract:In order to ensure omni-directional stable moving for a quadruped robot with high payload, an intermittent gait planning method based on velocity vector is proposed. In this method, intermittent gait is selected as the main gait, and the translational and rotational velocity vectors are mapped to the turning around the center of rotation. Firstly, the coordinate of the center of rotation is derived from the turning centre theory, and the maximum rotation velocity is calculated according to the workspace of foot. Then, the starting position of the supporting phase is designed under the constraint of stability margin. To satisfy the no-impact condition, a modified cycloid curve trajectory planning method of the swinging leg is adopted. An incremental trajectory planning method is proposed, which can be easily realized to generate continuous motion commands by programming. Then the requirements are analyzed from four aspects:stability margin, continuity, moving speed and workspace, and the corresponding method of parameters design is put forward. Finally, the comparison experiment is carried out among three gaits respectively by using virtual prototype and physical prototype, and the results show that the gait has the least shaking measurements and variances when α=0.5. The results demonstrate that this method guarantees continuous and omni-directional moving trajectory of the quadruped robot with high payload and has good stability. | Key words: quadruped robot intermittent gait omni-directional moving velocity vector high payload | 收稿日期: 2016-05-11 出版日期: 2016-07-18 | | 基金资助:国家自然科学基金(61503027) | 通讯作者: 王军政,wangjz@bit.edu.cn E-mail: wangjz@bit.edu.cn | 作者简介: 郝仁剑(1989-),男,博士生.研究领域:机器人运动驱动与控制.
史大威(1986-),男,博士,副教授.研究领域:事件驱动控制与估计,模型预测控制. |
引用本文: | 郝仁剑, 王军政, 史大威, 汪首坤. 基于速度矢量的四足机器人间歇步态规划方法[J]. 机器人, 2016, 38(5): 540-549.
HAO Renjian, WANG Junzheng, SHI Dawei, WANG Shoukun. Intermittent Gait Planning Method of Quadruped Robot Based on Velocity Vector. ROBOT, 2016, 38(5): 540-549. |