
标题: ROS By Example [打印本页]

作者: 阿里郎    时间: 2016-7-18 01:10
标题: ROS By Example

ROS By Example

ROS By Example.pdf.pdf (8.32 MB, 下载次数: 25)

Main Chapter Headings
Printed vs PDF Versions of the Book...............................................................ix
Changes Since Electric and Fuerte...................................................................xi
1. Purpose of this Book........................................................................................1
2. Real and Simulated Robots.............................................................................3
3. Operating Systems and ROS Versions..........................................................5
4. Reviewing the ROS Basics..............................................................................9
5. Installing the ros-by-example Code.............................................................27
6. Installing the Arbotix Simulator..................................................................31
7. Controlling a Mobile Base............................................................................35
8. Navigation, Path Planning and SLAM........................................................73
9. Speech Recognition and Synthesis.............................................................119
10. Robot Vision...............................................................................................135
11. Combining Vision and Base Control.......................................................189
12. Dynamixel Servos and ROS......................................................................205
13. Where to Go Next?....................................................................................231

Printed vs PDF Versions of the Bookix
Changes Since Electric and Fuertexi
1. Purpose of this Book1
2. Real and Simulated Robots3
2.1 Gazebo, Stage, and the ArbotiX Simulator3
2.2 Introducing the TurtleBot, Maxwell and Pi Robot4
3. Operating Systems and ROS Versions5
3.1 Installing Ubuntu Linux5
3.2 Getting Started with Linux6
3.3 A Note about Updates and Upgrades7
4. Reviewing the ROS Basics9
4.1 Installing ROS9
4.2 Installing rosinstall9
4.3 Creating Your Personal ROS Directory9
4.4 Working through the Official ROS Tutorials11
4.5 RViz: The ROS Visualization Tool11
4.6 Using ROS Parameters in your Programs12
4.7 Using rqt_reconfigure (formerly dynamic_reconfigure) to set ROS Parameters12
4.8 Networking Between a Robot and a Desktop Computer14
4.8.1 Time Synchronization14
4.8.2 ROS Networking using Zeroconf14 Testing Connectivity15 Setting the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME Variables15 Opening New Terminals16 Running Nodes on both Machines17
4.8.3 ROS Networking across the Internet18
4.9 ROS Recap18
4.10 The Official ROS Cheat Sheet19
4.11 What is a ROS Application?19
4.12 Installing Packages with SVN, Git, and Mercurial20
4.12.1 SVN21
4.12.2 Git21
4.12.3 Mercurial21
4.13 Removing Packages from your Personal ROS Directory22
4.14 How to Find Third-Party ROS Packages22
4.14.1 Searching the ROS Wiki23
4.14.2 Using the roslocate Command23
4.14.3 Browsing the ROS Software Index24
4.14.4 Doing a Google Search24
4.15 Getting Further Help with ROS25
5. Installing the ros-by-example Code27
5.1 Installing the Prerequisites27
5.2 Cloning the ros-by-example Repository27
5.3 About the Code Listings in this Book29
6. Installing the Arbotix Simulator31
6.1 Installing the Simulator31
6.2 Testing the Simulator31
6.3 Running the Simulator with Your Own Robot33
7. Controlling a Mobile Base35
7.1 Units and Coordinate Systems35
7.2 Levels of Motion Control35
7.2.1 Motors, Wheels, and Encoders36
7.2.2 Motor Controllers and Drivers36
7.2.3 The ROS Base Controller36
7.2.4 Frame-Base Motion using the move_base ROS Package37
7.2.5 SLAM using the gmapping and amcl ROS Packages37
7.2.6 Semantic Goals38
7.2.7 Summary38
7.3 Twisting and Turning with ROS39
7.3.1 Example Twist Messages39
7.3.2 Monitoring Robot Motion using RViz40
7.4 Calibrating Your Robot's Odometry42
7.4.1 Linear Calibration43
7.4.2 Angular Calibration44
7.5 Sending Twist Messages to a Real Robot45
7.6 Publishing Twist Messages from a ROS Node46
7.6.1 Estimating Distance and Rotation Using Time and Speed47
7.6.2 Timed Out-and-Back in the ArbotiX Simulator47
7.6.3 The Timed Out-and-Back Script48
7.6.4 Timed Out and Back using a Real Robot53
7.7 Are We There Yet? Going the Distance with Odometry55
7.8 Out and Back Using Odometry57
7.8.1 Odometry-Based Out and Back in the ArbotiX Simulator57
7.8.2 Odometry-Based Out and Back Using a Real Robot58
7.8.3 The Odometry-Based Out-and-Back Script60
7.8.4 The /odom Topic versus the /odom Frame65
7.9 Navigating a Square using Odometry66
7.9.1 Navigating a Square in the ArbotiX Simulator66
7.9.2 Navigating a Square using a Real Robot67
7.9.3 The nav_square.py Script69
7.9.4 The Trouble with Dead Reckoning69
7.10 Teleoperating your Robot69
7.10.1 Using the Keyboard70
7.10.2 Using a Logitech Game Pad71
7.10.3 Using the ArbotiX Controller GUI71
7.10.4 TurtleBot Teleoperation Using Interactive Markers72
7.10.5 Writing your Own Teleop Node72
8. Navigation, Path Planning and SLAM73
8.1 Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance using move_base 73
8.1.1 Specifying Navigation Goals Using move_base74
8.1.2 Configuration Parameters for Path Planning75 base_local_planner_params.yaml76 costmap_common_params.yaml77 global_costmap_params.yaml78 local_costmap_params.yaml78
8.2 Testing move_base in the ArbotiX Simulator79
8.2.1 Point and Click Navigation in RViz83
8.2.2 Navigation Display Types for RViz84
8.2.3 Navigating a Square using move_base84
8.2.4 Avoiding Simulated Obstacles91
8.2.5 Setting Manual Goals with Obstacles Present92
8.3 Running move_base on a Real Robot92
8.3.1 Testing move_base without Obstacles93
8.3.2 Avoiding Obstacles using the TurtleBot's Fake Laser Scan94
8.4 Map Building using the gmapping Package96
8.4.1 Laser Scanner or Depth Camera?96
8.4.2 Collecting and Recording Scan Data99
8.4.3 Creating the Map100
8.4.4 Creating a Map from Bag Data101
8.4.5 Can I Extend or Modify an Existing Map?103
8.5 Navigation and Localization using a Map and amcl103
8.5.1 Testing amcl with Fake Localization103
8.5.2 Using amcl with a Real Robot105
8.5.3 Fully Autonomous Navigation108
8.5.4 Running the Navigation Test in Simulation109
8.5.5 Understanding the Navigation Test Script111
8.5.6 Running the Navigation Test on a Real Robot116
8.5.7 What's Next?117
9. Speech Recognition and Synthesis119
9.1 Installing PocketSphinx for Speech Recognition119
9.2 Testing the PocketSphinx Recognizer120
9.3 Creating a Vocabulary122
9.4 A Voice-Control Navigation Script124
9.4.1 Testing Voice-Control in the ArbotiX Simulator128
9.4.2 Using Voice-Control with a Real Robot129
9.5 Installing and Testing Festival Text-to-Speech130
9.5.1 Using Text-to-Speech within a ROS Node132
9.5.2 Testing the talkback.py script134
10. Robot Vision135
10.1 OpenCV, OpenNI and PCL135
10.2 A Note about Camera Resolutions136
10.3 Installing and Testing the ROS Camera Drivers136
10.3.1 Installing the OpenNI Drivers136
10.3.2 Installing Webcam Drivers136
10.3.3 Testing your Kinect or Xtion Camera137
10.3.4 Testing your USB Webcam138
10.4 Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu Linux139
10.5 ROS to OpenCV: The cv_bridge Package139
10.6 The ros2opencv2.py Utility145
10.7 Processing Recorded Video147
10.8 OpenCV: The Open Source Computer Vision Library148
10.8.1 Face Detection148
10.8.2 Keypoint Detection using GoodFeaturesToTrack154
10.8.3 Tracking Keypoints using Optical Flow160
10.8.4 Building a Better Face Tracker166
10.8.5 Dynamically Adding and Dropping Keypoints169
10.8.6 Color Blob Tracking (CamShift)170
10.9 OpenNI and Skeleton Tracking177
10.9.1 Viewing Skeletons in RViz178
10.9.2 Accessing Skeleton Frames in your Programs178
10.10 PCL Nodelets and 3D Point Clouds183
10.10.1 The PassThrough Filter184
10.10.2 Combining More than One PassThrough Filter186
10.10.3 The VoxelGrid Filter186
11. Combining Vision and Base Control189
11.1 A Note about Camera Coordinate Axes189
11.2 Object Tracker189
11.2.1 Testing the Object Tracker with rxplot189
11.2.2 Testing the Object Tracker with a Simulated Robot190
11.2.3 Understanding the Object Tracker Code190
11.2.4 Object Tracking on a Real Robot196
11.3 Person Follower197
11.3.1 Testing the Follower Application in Simulation197
11.3.2 Understanding the Follower Script198
11.3.3 Running the Follower Application on a TurtleBot202
11.3.4 Running the Follower Node on a Filtered Point Cloud203
12. Dynamixel Servos and ROS205
12.1 A TurtleBot with a Pan-and-Tilt Head206
12.2 Choosing a Dynamixel Hardware Controller206
12.3 A Note Regarding Dynamixel Hardware207
12.4 Choosing a ROS Dynamixel Package207
12.5 Understanding the ROS JointState Message Type207
12.6 Controlling Joint Position, Speed and Torque208
12.6.1 Setting Servo Position209
12.6.2 Setting Servo Speed210
12.6.3 Controlling Servo Torque210
12.7 Checking the USB2Dynamixel Connection211
12.8 Setting the Servo Hardware IDs212
12.9 Configuring and Launching dynamixel_controllers213
12.9.1 The dynamixel_controllers Configuration File213
12.9.2 The dynamixel_controllers Launch File214
12.10 Testing the Servos216
12.10.1 Starting the Controllers216
12.10.2 Monitoring the Robot in RViz217
12.10.3 Listing the Controller Topics and Monitoring Joint States217
12.10.4 Listing the Controller Services219
12.10.5 Setting Servo Position, Speed and Torque219
12.10.6 Using the relax_all_servos.py Script221
12.11 Tracking a Visual Target221
12.11.1 Tracking a Face221
12.11.2 The Head Tracker Script222
12.11.3 Tracking Colored Objects227
12.11.4 Tracking Manually Selected Targets228
12.12 A Complete Head Tracking ROS Application229
13. Where to Go Next?231

作者: pixheibot    时间: 2017-9-3 23:47
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